
PM Writing 4 Ruby 28 Tracker Dogs




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底下是 PM Writing 4 Ruby 28 Tracker Dogs 的內容簡介

Tracker Dogs

Levels 28 Ruby

Key learning Area Science

Theme How dogs use their noses to track and search

Title Finding Amy

Text Type Recount

Pages 2–9

Text Form Story

Genre Fiction

Purpose To retell and evaluate events and experiences

Text Structure

Orientation: Provides information about who, where and when (Pages 2–3)

Sequence of Events: Presents events in chronological order (Pages 4–8)

Personal Comment: Evaluates the events that took place (Page 9)

Language Features

?Nouns (e.g. Forest Reserve Picnic Ground, family, doll, child)

?Pronouns (e.g. she, her, They)

?Adjectives (e.g. plastic)

?Past tense verbs (e.g. were held, commenced)

?Adverbs (e.g. safely, quietly)

?Adverbial phrases (e.g. for their prompt action)

?Time and sequence words (e.g. Dusk had fallen)

Title Dogs That Track and Search

Text Type Information Report

Pages 10–16

Text Form Reference

Genre Non-fiction

Purpose To present information that classifies living or non-living things

Text Structure

General Statement: Identifies and classifies the subject (Pages 10–11)

Description: Provides information about the subject's physical appearance and other characteristics (Pages 12–15)

Evaluation: Provides a summary statement about the subject Page 16)

Language Features博客來

?Nouns (e.g. victims, scent, members)

?Pronouns (e.g. their, they, it)

?Adjectives (e.g. dangerous, many, Wild)

?Past tense verbs (e.g. sniffing, track, seem)

?Adverbs (e.g. sometimes, alos)

?Adverbial phrases (e.g. in the line of duty)

  • 出版社:東華

  • 出版日期:2015/04/13
  • 語言:英文

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01/1/4065161.jpg&x=0&y=0&sw=0&sh=0&sl=W&fw=>柯瑞。 美聯社 勇士球星柯瑞(Stephen Curry)坐擁高薪,過著許多人都無法達到的生活,但這並不代表他不能體會民間疾苦,為民發聲;他表示,有沒有錢並不會影響他的觀點,且在有錢的情況下,他能為社會做更多有意義的事。

日前柯瑞因反對美國總統川普(Donald Trump),表態拒絕前往白宮,得到許多人的聲援,包含騎士球星詹姆斯(LeBron James)都站出來力挺他,但也有人認為他非常富有,在全球有著崇高的地位,因此無法真正為百姓發聲。





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